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AUS QLD ChartersTowers 2007APR08 001  Just outside of  Charters Towers  I found this rail crossing that I though made a pretty good shot. : 2007, 2007 - Visiting Chook In The Isa, April, Australia, Charters Towers, Date, Month, Places, QLD, Trips, Year  AUS QLD ChartersTowers 2007APR08 002 : 2007, 2007 - Visiting Chook In The Isa, April, Australia, Charters Towers, Date, Month, Places, QLD, Trips, Year  AUS QLD ChartersTowers 2007APR08 003  Termite mounds are everywhere around the state of Queensland. : 2007, 2007 - Visiting Chook In The Isa, April, Australia, Charters Towers, Date, Month, Places, QLD, Trips, Year  AUS QLD ChartersTowers 2007APR08 004  You see plenty of B-Double fuel tankers in Australia. These are  Ascot Haulage's , who I used to work for back in Alice Springs. : 2007, 2007 - Visiting Chook In The Isa, April, Australia, Charters Towers, Date, Month, Places, QLD, Trips, Year